Easiest Way To Make Hard Boiled Eggs
No, seriously. I have spent the last 37 years of my life trying to perfect this one cooking skill. I have watched videos and tutorials and tried all the electronic egg cookers out there (which do work but I hate cleaning them afterwards) and still I was peeling off half an egg when I would try to peel them!

So a few weeks ago I was helping my mom make her delicious lasagna that she makes with hard boiled eggs and I saw her from my peripheral vision put eggs into a boiling pot. I asked her if that was how she hard boiled her eggs and she said “yes, why how do you make yours?”. Well I guess now I can’t quite recall who the first person was to teach me how to hard boil eggs but I could have SWORN they told me to put the eggs in cold water and bring that to a boil. But years of boiling eggs that way only turned out to be a hassle and a massive disastrous egg peeling that only ended up in frustration and a lot of egg in the garbage!
So finally I asked my mom to tell me how to boil eggs. Something that should have been SO simple but that for year I was overcomplicating! She said “yeah, it’s easy!” (of course for my self taught chef mom everything in the kitchen is “easy” lol)
So she said; “Just make sure the water is boiling and put in your eggs, then set the timer for 12 minutes and VOILA!, you have perfectly boiled eggs!” “Really? That’s it?” I asked. “Yes, and add a pinch of salt to the water also”. “OKKKKKKK”, I said!
Later that week I still hadn’t tried that egg method and then good ole’ Instagram, as if they had heard me talking about boiling eggs, showed a video of Autumn Calabrese (from the fitness platform BODi which I do from the comfort of my home and LOVE!) who put in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in her water when boiling her eggs and PROMISED me that would make my eggs peel fast and easy. I got up from my scrolling and threw in my eggs with some cold water and cider vinegar, forgetting all about my moms tips and boiled my eggs. They peeled easier than they would without the vinegar but I finally figured out that if I took both Autumn’s AND moms suggestions maybe I could FINALLY boil and egg!
So last night I took out some eggs. I put some cold water in a pot with a tablespoon of thick course salt. I waited until water boiled, added my eggs in the hot boiling water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and set a timer for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes I strained the hot water from the pot, put the pot down in the sink and topped the eggs with cold water from the faucet. I allowed those to cool for about 5 minutes then went in for the peel. I couldn’t BELIEVE it! Those 6 eggs peeled SO freaking easy! I had FINALLY, after years of doing it the “wrong way” I could boil eggs and keep each and every egg in tact!

I encourage you all to try my “Easiest Way To Make Hard Boiled Eggs” method and please leave a comment to let me know how it worked out for you! You wouldn’t think so but it is quite literally life changing being able to make a perfect hard boiled egg! If you liked my blog please visit my site www.thebestofitalian.com for more articles like this one!
Easiest Way To Make Hard Boiled Eggs
Difficulty: Easy4
4 Eggs
1 Tbsp Coarse Salt
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- Pour cold water into a pot and add salt and vinegar to the cold water.
- Allow water to boil
- Once water is boiling add your eggs and set timer for 12 minutes
- After your 12 minute timer goes off, drain the hot water from pot and top eggs with cold water to stop the cooking process
- Once eggs are cool to the touch, about 5 minutes or so, peel your eggs and enjoy!